Monday, March 15, 2021

Recount text : Biography

Hey guys i'm ajeng, today i will talk about Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (Turkish President) Biography

childhood photo of Erdoğan  

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan or Erdoğan is a politician and statesman, as well as the current 12th President of Turkey. He is also the founder and chairman of AK, one of the former mayors of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, a former prime minister. He was born on February 26th  1954 in Istanbul / Kasımpaşa. He is the son of the sailor father of Rize who also served in the Coast Guard. He spent his childhood at Rize. He migrated with his family from Rize to Istanbul at the age of fourteen and studied at the Piyale Paşa Elementary School. During his childhood, he sold lemonade and bagels on the streets of Istanbul for extra pocket money. He graduated from the Istanbul Imam Hatip School, which he attended in 1965, in 1973. He graduated in 1981 with an associate degree from the Aksaray School of Economic and Commercial Sciences, which was later renamed the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Marmara University. He played football for 16 years at Camialtı, İETT and Eroxport and left football after September 12th 1980

When he left the IETT, he started working in the private sector. He entered the military in 1982, after returning from military service, he worked for the company for about a year and a half. Then he continued his career as general manager of another company. Meanwhile, he participated in the work of the National Turkish Student Union during his college years. With an interest in politics, he was elected Head of the Beyoğlu Youth Branch of the Millî Selâmet Partisi (MSP), or National Salvation Party in 1978 and as President of Istanbul Province the same year.

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan as mayor of Istanbul era

As mayor of Istanbul, Erdoğan rose to prominence because he was an effective and populist administrator, building infrastructure and transportation routes for Istanbul and at the same time beautifying the city. His outstanding achievements that are hard to forget for citizen are the success of providing clean water for the city's residents, controlling buildings, reducing pollution levels by planting thousands of trees on city streets, combating illegal prostitution by providing more respectful jobs to young women, and prohibiting serving liquor in a place that is under the control of the mayor of Istanbul. When he declared the Islamic Development Justice Party (AKP: Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi) in August 2001, he was able to carry his party like a light that will illuminate the darkness.


On August 10th 2014 Turkey held direct presidential elections for the first time in 91 years. So far, the president is elected by the parliament. Erdoğan was elected as the 12th President of Turkey as a result of the Turkish presidential election which was held on August 10th  2014. Erdoğan won the presidential election with 52% of the vote defeating two of his competitors, and on August 28th , Erdoğan was officially sworn in as the 12th  President of Turkey. His inauguration will usher in a new era in Turkey as he is expected to push for a new constitution that can transform the country. For a number of leaders of Arab countries, Erdoğan is depicted as an arrogant figure who is thirsty for power and expansionist, Erdoğan is perceived as a figure who wants to revive an extinct caliphate, Erdoğan's controversy is related to his plan to change the Hagia Sophia from a museum to a mosque.
1st Friday prayer inn Hagia Sophia

 A plan that has received harsh criticism from many parties, although it is also supported by many groups. That is what makes the leaders of Arab countries consider Erdoğan a figure who wants to revive an extinct caliphate, which means he wants to revive Islam during the caliphate in Turkey. Erdoğan said that the resurrection of the Hagia Sophia is a symbol of justice, conscience, morals, monotheism and brotherhood and the revival of the light of the longed civilization. With that on Friday July 24th 2020, Friday prayers were held at the Hagia Sophia, Istanbul, Turkey after 86 years as a museum and now the Hagia Sophia is officially a mosque in Istanbul, Turkey.

That's a little story of the life journey of the fantastic figure of the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. He really inspires people. He has also awakened something that should have been raised a long time ago, and also he succeeded in succeeding the previous president and advancing Turkey.


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